Work History Background Check
Check Potential Employees Out Before You Hire!
An accurate work history background check is a vital tool that assists employers to screen
potential employees, who they want to hire. These work history background checks provide
important information such as: criminal history, credit check, and civil court records. Based on the results,
employers can make smart hiring decisions.
Just like a credit history, your employment history should leave a trail that an
employer can follow if he or she is thinking about hiring you.
Major corporations and even smaller companies have
stepped up their security due to terrorism, industrial espionage and fraud. Not only are
they using the Internet to conduct work history background checks, but also to search for a job applicant's
cyber trail on social networking sites, video sites and blogs.
Employees who will have positions around money and company trade secrets are more scrutinized than others.
No longer can companies trust a smile, a resume and a handshake to hire new
Employers always want to hire the best person when they have an opening. The
reason a work history background check is so important, is because a company doesn't want to trust
someone to have access, or handle large sums of money, when they have bad credit, or have criminal offenses for
fraud, theft, or embezzlement. Think about it, would you want to hire someone like that, and trust them around
your company's money?
How Is A Work History Background Check Conducted?
Once you've been added to a company's short list for hiring, a work history background check will be conducted.
This can be done by the Personnel Dept. within the company, or the company can outsource it to a firm that handles
work related background investigations.
The very first thing that a skillful investigative service will do when pre-screening a possible employee is to
run a criminal history check. Why should they waste time contacting all of your previous employers
if they know you have a criminal record? That will possibly automatically disqualify you from getting the job,
especially if you omitted that information from your resume.
The next thing on your work history background check that they would investigate is your social security
number, just to make sure it exists, and it matches your name.
Next, they would probably check any civil court information, and if you've filed for
bankruptcy. If you did, they will want to know how long ago that was. If it was recently, that might raise some
Your credit history will also be examined on a work history background check. Anyone could
have bad credit, but if there is a pattern with your credit history, and you've had a lot of bad credit over the
past, it shows a lack of integrity, and responsibility. Therefore, you might not have the caliber they are looking
for in an employee.
Last, but not least, your employment history will be reviewed, and your former employers
will be contacted, along with neighbors and anyone else they can find, who really knows you.
Cost of a Work History Background Check
The cost of a work history background check can vary. A lot depends on how thorough a search is done, how many
reports are ordered, and what kind of information was requested. The average cost
for a basic check could be around $50, but a more comprehensive search could run into the hundreds of dollars.
However, these are mere pennies compared to what it would cost your company to hire a rogue employee, who could
steal millions from you.
In Conclusion, your company can't afford not to conduct a
work history background check for important positions. Not doing so, could be suicidal
for your company. Start looking beyond the resume and appearance, and start checking your applicants'
The Best Work History Background Check
TalentWise - TalentWise
makes it easy for businesses of any size to run FCRA compliant employment background
checks. All you need is consent from your potential employee and you can run a fast an accurate background
check using their online interface.
Talentwise realizes that no two companies are the same so their service is designed to be the most flexible
employment screening option on the market.
Visit TalentWise Now
TalentWise offers the best employee background check services on the
Internet. Whether you need to run a single report or several a month, TalentWise has the best prices, easiest to
use interface and most up to date screening solutions.